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TTbe Sbropsbire iparisb IRcaister Society?.
Biocese of Ibereforb-
1Rote for tbe ^Rea^er.
The fifteenth volume of the Registers of the Diocese of Hereford now completed, contains the Registers of Diddlebury and Munslow. Both are of great interest, because of the impoitance of these parishes in the past and the numerous families of position that occur in these Registers. Munslow also is one of six remaining Shropshire Registers which began in pre-Reformation times, and its original "paper book" is preserved, as well as the parchment copy made from it in 1600.
In the present volume, as has been the rule adopted by the Council throughout, the Registers are not printed in full, but in an abbreviated form which can readily be understood, though every salient fact has been recorded, and all occurrences, remarkable events, etc., have been given in full.
The following abbreviations have been adopted : —
afft. |
— |
affidavit |
lie. |
— |
licence. |
b. |
— |
bachelor (or |
born). |
mar. |
— |
married. |
bap. |
— |
baptized. |
nup. |
— |
nupti. |
bur. |
— |
buried. |
p. (or |
par.)— |
parish. |
chr. |
— |
christened. |
pr. |
— |
pauper. |
ch. w. |
— |
churchwardens. |
s. |
— |
son. |
cler. |
— |
clericus. |
Sep. |
— |
sepultus. |
elk. |
■ — |
clerk. |
sp. |
— |
spinster. |
CO. |
— |
county. |
ux. |
— |
uxor. |
d. |
— |
daughter. |
vid. |
— |
vidua. |
dioc. |
— |
diocese. |
w. |
— |
wife. |
esq. |
— |
esquire. |
wid. |
— |
widow. |
f. |
— |
filius (or fili |
a). |
widr. |
— |
widower. |
gen. (or gent). — gentleman. wit. (or W.) — witnesses.
inft. — infant.
A capital letter after "of" or "p." denotes the parish whose particular Register is dealt with ; thus " of D. " = " of Diddlebury," and " p. M. " = " parish of Munslow."
For the transcription of these Registers, the Society is indebted to Mr. G. Wm. S. Sparrow, Mr. T. R. Horton, and the Rev. W. G. D. Fletcher, and for collating to Mr. Sparrow and Mr. Fletcher.
The word "pauper" affixed to many nanies does not necessarily imply poverty, but that the duty imposed by Act of Parliament on the registration of baptisms, marriages, and burials was not paid.
It might be well to point out that these printed volumes are not Ugal evidence of any baptism, marriage, or burial ; but for entering up a pedigree in the College of Arms, or for any legal purpose, certified extracts must be obtained from the incumbents. The statutory cost of each certified entry is 3s. yd.
December ^ 19 12.
Registers, 1583 to 1812 I
Registers, 1538 to 181 2
i — viii. I — 271
i — ix. I — 267
1 — XXXVlll.
i — xxxvi.
Zhc IRegistet
2)ibMeburP IRcoistcrs.
Diddlebury is a parinh on the river Corve, situated eight miles north of Ludlow. It is in the Diocese of Hereford, the Archdeaconry and Rural Deanery of Ludlow, and the Hundred of Munslow. The parish has an area of 8,690 acres, and it contains the hamlets of Diddlebury, Westhope, Middlehope, Corfton, Sparchford, Ermestry Park, Great and Little Sutton, Lawton, Peaton, Bromcroft and Poston. The population in 1901 was 709.
At the time of the Domesday Survey, Diddlebury formed part of the Manor of Corfham, which was held of the King by Earl Roger. The Earl granted the Church of Diddlebury to Shrewsbury Abbey. In the year 1 147, a general settlement took place as to property in dispute between Shrewsbury Abbey and the Norman Abbey of Seez, and the Church of Diddlebiu-y was granted to Seez. About 100 years later, the Abbot of Seez gave Diddlebury Church to the Dean and Chapter of the Diocese of Hereford, to whom the patronage of the living still belongs.
The Register consists of the following volumes : —
Vol. I., 1583 to 1598. A book of 35 paper pages bound in cardboard, containing baptisms, marriages, and burials. It is probable that there was formerly an earlier part of this volume.
Vol. II. contains burials of 1678 — 9, and a list of parochial elections and Church collections from 1686 to 1750. This volume consists of 20 pajx^r pages in a parchment cover. A copy of this book was made in 175 1, and in it the record of parochial elections is coii tinned to the year 1879.
Vol. Ill, 1683 to 1733, consists of 80 parchment pages, not boimd. It contains baptisms, marriages, and burials.
Vol. IV., 1734 to 1748, has 48 pages ; Vol. V., 1749 to 1786, has 60 pages.
These two volumes are of parchment, bound in parchment-covered boards. Each contains baptisms, marriages and burials.
Vol. VI., 1754 to 1808. This is a marriage register, of 140 paper pages, boimd in leather.
Vol. VII., 1808 to 1812. A marriage register of 16 parchment pages, bound in leather.
Vol. VIII, 1787 to 1812. This is a large, leather-bound volume of parch- ment pages. Baptisms are entered at one end of the book and burials at the other, on printed forms.
With the exception of the third volume, which has suffered much damage, the whole of the Register is in a good state of preservation. The binding of the sixth volume is dilapidated. The entries throughout appear to have been made carefully. It will, however, be noticed that the Register of the years 1599 to 1683 is no longer in existence, and that there are several gaps in the earlier part of the third volume. Tlu-ough the courtesy of the Diocesan Registrar, the Bishop's transcripts at Hereford have been placed at the service of the Society ; these transcripts are printed here from their commencement in 1661 down to 1683, and gaps have been filled, and differences between the Register and the transcripts noted in subsequent years to the end of 1753.
The principal families mentioned in the Register are those of Baldwyn and Comewall, but the following names also are marked by some such addition as ' Mr.,' ' Gent.', or ' Esq.' : — Lutley, More, Langley, Syars, Walcot, Pulley, Stedman, Jervis, Fleming, Turnor, Jordan, Lucas, Browne, Harries, PoweU, Jones, Hajmes, Davies, Legass, Hammonds, Sheppard, Acton, Wilkes and Palmer.
Richard Baldwjni, buried at Diddlebury in 1585, was tenth in descent from John Baldwyn, of Diddlebury, and Anne his wife. A great-grandson of this Richard was Thomas Baldwyn, of Diddlebury, Recorder of Shrewsbury, admitted a Burgess in 1660. From the second son of Richard Baldwjm were descended the Baldwyns of Elsich, Stokesay, Rockleton and Aqualate, among whom may be mentioned Sir Samuel Baldwyn, bom in 161 8, and his brother Sir Timothy, bom in 1620.
Sir Samuel held Stokesay Castle for the King during the Civil War. He was M.P. for Ludlow, 1658, and afterwards became King's Sergeant (Attorney- General). He died in 1683, and was buried in the Temple Church. His great grandson, Charles Baldwyn, M.P. for Shropshire, married Catherine Childe, of Kiulet, whose son William assumed the name of Childe.
Sir Timothy Baldwyn, D.C.L., was elected a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, in 1639. He was an enthusiastic Royalist, and was for a short time deprived by the Parliament of his fellowship. At the Restoration he was made principal of Hart Hall, now Hertford College, but after holding office for two years he became Chancellor of the Dioceses of Hereford and Worcester. He was knighted in 1670.
The Baldwins of Munslow, and through them the Baldwins of Shrewsbury, were descended from a cousin of the Richard Baldwin of^Diddlebury mentioned above.
Richard Baldwyn, a descendant of the Recorder of Shrewsbury, sold the Diddlebury estate in 1752 to Captain Frederick Comewall, a relative of the Comewalls, Barons of Burford. Captain Comewall had two sons ; Frederick Walker, M.P. for Ludlow, and Folliott Herbert Walker, successively Bishop of Bristol, Hereford, and Worcester. The Bishop was buried at Diddlebury in 1831.
The burials of three centenarians are recorded in the Register, one of whom reached the age of 106.
The Church of St. Peter is of Saxon foundation. The North Wall of the nave and part of the tower are Saxon, the former containing a Saxon window. The chancel dates from the Norman period. An early- English arcade separates the aisle from the nave. Mr.D.H.S. Cranage, in ' 'The Churches of Shropshire," Bays that Diddlebury Church " has examples of almost every style of English architecture." There are several memorial tablets of members of the families of Baldwin, Cornwall, Fleming, Powell and others. The following record events which took place in those periods of which the Register has been lost : —
Mary, wife of John Bawdewin, of Middlehope, gent., died Nov., 1659. Henry Fleming, of WVsthope, Esq., died 1650, aged 52. Thomas, eldest son of Richard Bawdewin, of Diddlebury, and Margaret his wife, daughter of Lawrence Ludlowe of, married Gertrude, daughter of Robert Corbet of Stanwardino, by whom he had three sons, Edward, John, and Richard, and two daughters, Dorothy and Susanne, and died 1614, aged 68.
There were formerly six Chapels in Diddlebury, viz. : — Corfham, Corfton, St. George in Sutton, WeHthojK', the ChajH?! of (Jreete in Poston, and the Chapel of Mcrcham, or Marston. A seventh Chapel, at Siefton, was probably within the parish of Diddlebury.
Mention of Corf ham Chapel occurs as early as 1299, and the chaplains included John Davyes, " Perpetual Chaplain of the Free Chaj)cl within the Castle of Corfhani " till 1388, Thomtis Chykenhulle, died 1422, and Roger — , presented 29th Dec, 1422, by John Talbot, Lord of Corfham.
Corfton Chapel was dedicated to St. Bartholomew. By a deed of 1260, William de Furches, Lord of the Manor of Corfton, surrendered the patronage of the chapel to the Dean and Chapter of Hereford, but he reserved to himself and his heirs ' ' the due service of the said Chapel of Corfton by a fit and resident Chaplain." In 1635, William Keynian, ' 'commissionary and official ' ' of the Bishop of Hereford, issued a mandate which states that the Chapel of Corfton is in a ruinous state, and requires Peter Mease, Kit-hard Awnshara (Rector of Hopesay), and Ceorge Littleton (Rector of Munslow), to discover who is liable for the repair of the Chapel. The three commissioners, after holding an enquiry, replied that the Vicar of Diddlebury ought to repair the Chancel, and that tlie inhabitants of Corfton were liable for the repair of the Chapel. Roger — , was Chaplain of Corfton in 1252. Wakes were kept here the Sunday after Lammas Day. The Chapel of Corfton is frequently mentioned in the marriage register of the latter half of the i8th century. Parts of the walls are still visible in some farm buildings, but they do not seem to be of any great antiquity, though it is probable that they are upon the site of the original Chiipol of Corfton, a mediaeval, carved stone having been discovered here recently.
Alexander, the Chaplain of Sutton, was enfeoffed in a virgate by Robert de Sutton in 1225. He died in 1247. The Hundred Roll of 1255 mentions Johanna and Lucia, daughters of Alexander, the Chaplain of Sutton. William, Chaplain of Sutton, was appointed as warranty to Johanna and Lucia in 1256. On Nov. i6th, 1272, Thomas de Cantilupe issued a mandate to induct John de Hodenet to the custody of the Church of Sutton, reserving the institution for the Bishcp ; but John de Hodenet was actuall}' instituted on Feb. 19th, 1279, by the Prior and Convent of Weulock. Wakes were kept here on jNIidsummer Day.
Westhope Chapel is mentioned in the Williams MSS. as existing in 1255, when John Fitzalan, Lord of Clun and Westhope, was Patron of the Chapel. In 1277, Hugo, Rector of Westhope, was granted licence for one year to study. In 1327, the Chapel of Westliope, in the Deanery of Wenlock, was taxed six marks, and three years later the Chapel was valued at thirteen pence, having goods worth eleven shillings. In Certificates of Colleges, 1461, the Chapel was valued at eleven pence. The Chapel was spoliated by Act of Parliament of 1548. The Certificate of Sir George Blount, Knt., Reynolde Corbett, Richard Forsett, and Richard Cupper, Commissioners, Nov. 4th, 1549, states: — "The Chappell of Westhope within the sayd parishe of Dudlebury, valued at Xld., payments nil. Remaining Xld., no Incumbent, To the pore nil, goods lis." In the Particulars of Grants of 1549, the following reference occurs: — "The Chappell of Westhope. Rent of one baulk of arable land in tenure of Robert Busse id. Rent of one acre of pastmre land called Chappell Meadow in tenure of William Lewis, mid. Rent of the aforesaid Chappell with parcel adjacent called Chappell Yarde in the tenure of William Wall, vjd. At 23 years purchase 22/-. There are no other lands or tenements to the said Chappell, belonging as yt is presented ; there be no wodes growing upon any of the sayd premises, dated the last day of February, 1549. The King's Majesty discharges the purchasers of all incumbrances except leases and the covenants of the same. The tenure is socage. The purchaser to have the issues from Michaelmas last. The Purchaser to be bounde for the Woddes. The leade bells and advowsons excepted." In 1549, John Cowper and Richard Trevor request to purchase the rent of the Free Chapel of Westhope, and a grant from the King, dated at Lieghes, loth April, 1549, was made " to John Cupper and Richard Trevor, in consideration
of £3,050 — 13 — 9, for Church property indudiug the Chapel of Westhope, with a parcel of Und adjoining called ChappoU Yard, and lands and tenements in several holdings to hold them in socage." lu Particulars of Grants, 1552, we find, ' ' The rent of the Chappol of Westhope, with parcel adjacent called Chappell Yardi', in the tenure of William Wall, value 6d. There is no other lands of the sayd Chappell to yt ; " and, in the same year, "John Cowper and Richard Trevor purchased the rent of the Free Cliappell of Westhope with lands pertaining to it." The Chapel is mentioned in Certificates of Colleges, dated 1558 and 1603. A deed of 1650 mentions " The ChapjHjll of Westhope auad the Chappell Meadow," and in a deed of 1707 there is reference to " all the Chappell or building called a Chappell in Westhope with the appurtenances. The Manor, Dovehouse and Chappell." The Chapel had evidently fallen into disrepair once more, and in her will, dated 14th January, 1728, Mrs. Elizabeth Fleming states : "If my son Richard Fleming rebuilds the Chappell of Westhojje, and fits it up for the service of God within four years, then I give to endow it the £100 that is in ilartin's liands, with the interest at the four years end iifter ray decease ; but if the Lord of the Manor of Westhope should bo remiss in liaving it supplied with 12 sermons in the year, then the profits of it shall goe to the parish of Acton Scott, for that purpose and no other. But if my son Richard Fleming fail to rebuild it within that time, then the £100 with the interest to be equally divided between my two sons Gilbert and Hector Fleming. To the Schools of the parish of Diddlebury £10 — if the children of the Lordship of Westhope shall be taught free."
The Chapel of Westhope was restored in 1728 — 29, and in 1745 Edward Fleming was patron of the Chapel. A paper written about a century later states : ' ' The Chapel of Westhope is private property ; it stands in an orchard. The proprietor gives £5 a year to the Vicar of Diddlebury to give his or her tenants 12 evening services in the year. It is kept clean by the tenants in turn, who have also the care of the key." Frederick, Baron von Zandt (died 1841) gave a now pulpit. The late Colonel Swinnertoa Dyer restored the Chapel in 1891, rebuilding the walls from four feet above the ground level. The old foundations reach a depth of eleven fe«t below the ground. Much of the woodwork was too far decayed to be used again, but the roof is a copy of the old one. The building contains a Saxon font, which was discovered in 1908. Among the many Chapels in Diddlebury, that of Westhope is the only one now in use. The present patron is Mr. Leonard Swinncrton-Dycr.
The Chapel of Greet in Poston is enumerated among the possessions of Johane, daughter of Sir William Burley of Bromcroft, who died in 1505. This Chapel is probabl}' identical mth that of Greete, near Tenburj'. Richard Kene, who died in 1250, gave half a virgate in Possetorne in pure alms to the Greet Chapel, of which Philip do Thongland was incumbent. The reader is referred to the Preface of Greete Register for further information regarding the Chapel.
The tithes of the Chapel of Mershton, or Marston, were the subject of prolonged disputes between the Dean and Chapter of Hereford and other claimants. The following order made by Edward I. is taken from the Williams MSB. : " FMward, by the Grace of God King of England. The Dean and Chapter of Hereford have pointed out to us that the Church of Dedelbur has been canonically assigned to them, and although the greater tithe from certain lands within the bounds of the Church of Dedelbur Ix-long to them in their own name and as Rectors of the same — i messuage and 5 acres of land which Alexander de Mershton held while ho lived — i messuage and half a virgate of land which Alexander the Clerk held, — I messuage and half a virgate which W^illiam Wrinch held— i messuage and half a virgate of land which Walter de Yongeland held — i messuage and one and a half virgate of land which Hugo le Holyman held — i messuage and one and a lialf virgate of land which William de Trcwesliipc held within the to^^ne of Dedlebur. Richard
Dtddlebttbt Rioistbrs. tM.
de Beck, Parson of the Chapel of Mershton, robbed it of two parts of the tithes. These have been restored to the Dean and Chapter, but Robert de Thene now holds the Chapel of Mershton on his own presentation and advow- son. The Dean and Chapter claim two parts of the advowson. Nothing is to be done in an ecclesiastical Court till the case is heard in the King's Court. Dated 8 Dec. 9 of our reign." In the following year Sir Robert de Beck brought the matter to the notice of the King again, and at " Karlisl," on the 8th July, Edward I. once more forbade the ecclesiastical Court to proceed in the matter, asserting that " the decision as to the advowsons of Chapels belongs to the Crown and to our dignity." In December, 1334, Richard de Bek, Rector of the Free Chapel of Merschton, the son of Robert de Bek. Knight, unsuccessfully disputed the right of the Dean and Chapter of Hereford to the tithes of Mershton. His successor, Robert de Tene appealed in 1335, but was non-suited because he could not prove that ho had been canonically instituted. An inquisition post mortem of 1505, of Johane, widow of Sir Thomas Littleton, Knt., and co-heir of Sir William Burley of Bromcroft, Knt., shows that the said Johane held the Manor and Chapel of Merston. Edward, son of Edward Littleton of Shrewsbury, was Rector of the Chapel of Merston in 1689. No trace of this Chapel now remains.
The parish Church of Diddlebury has four bells : —
1. All prayse and glory be to God for ever. 1665.
2. Soli Deo Gloria pax hominibus. William Stedman, Cornelius Benions.
3. Edward Baxter, Thomas Bluck, Wardens. 1676.
4. John Bawdewin, of Middlohope, gent., Edward Pulley, of Peedle
[Peatoti ? ], gent., c.w. 1670.
An Inventory of Church Goods made 15th May, 1553, shows that there were then at Dydylbere " iii bellys, on chalys of selver wt. the paten therto belonging, now yn the p'yche and StepuU." There have been many gifts and bequests to the Church. By his will dated 1535, Richard Lewys of Westhope gave " to the High Altar for tithes forgotten 3/4. To our Lady Service in the parish Church of Diddlebury 6/8 and a suit of vestments." In June, 1831, Bishop Corncwall gave 'i, set of Communion plate, in place of the old plate which had been stolen in March of the same year.
The account here given of the Chapels in Diddlebury is based entirely upon information supplied by Mrs. E. H. Martin of WesthojMj, who has also given the following list of the Incumbents of Diddlebury.
RECTORS. Circa 1115. Aluric, and Osbem his priest. 1 1 55 — 1 1 57. Osbert de Duddleburi. 1 2 14 — 1238. Osbert, parson of Diddlebury, and
12 12. Alexander, Chaplain to Osbert ; called " Vicar of Diddle- bury," and " Alexander, the Dean." 1238 — 1277. William de Res ; Treasurer of Hereford, 1272, died 1276 — 7.
Walter de Lodelow.
Richard of Diddlebury ; occurs 1283 ; called ' Rector *
in 1292. John de Bole.
Richard de Lodelow, Vicar 1341 to 1388. Exchanged for Corfhara with John Davyes, i Nov., 1384. John Davyes. John Sutton, died 1408. William Tyley.
Instituted I April, 1278. 12. .. |
23 Dec. |
1312. I3--- |
7 Mar., 12 Aug., 17 July, |
1388. 1396. 1408. |
14... William Brompton, resigned 1413.
28 Dec. 141 3. William Asterley, exchanged 1417. 26 Nov., 141 7. Richard Piers, resigned 1420.
3 April, 1420. John Atkyns, resigned 1464.
5 Mar., 1464/5. Ikiward Jamyns, resigned 1465.
23 June, 1466. Richard Longley (or Langley), died Vicar, 1475.
7 Nov., 1492. John Buttler (o/ta^ Jefferys), resigned 1515. 22 Oct., 1515. Thomas Slade, occurs 1534, 5 ( Vtuor h'edes.)
15.,. Richard Normecott, occurs 1535, and 1553 {Chureh Goodn). 22 Aug., 1569. John Habberlej, on the presentation of William
Normecott. 9 June, 1599. Thomas Habberley, M.A., New College, Oxford, ejected for his loyalty circa 1642 ; Rector of Shobdon, 1609. 1640. John Bryan. 1652. Nicholas Prowde, occurs 1652 to 1655/6.
[Henry Allen, signs the transcript of 1661, but is not called Vicar]. 17 Dec, 1662. Richard Sheppard (or Shepheard), M.A. Balliol College, Oxford ; buried 3 June, 1676.
I Nov., 1676. William Fosbrooke, B.A., St. Mary Hall, Oxford,
buried 12 July, 1726. 22 Nov., 1726. Hugo Wishaw (or Whishaw), B.A., Brasenoae College,
Oxford; resigned 1730 ; Vicar of Madeley, 1723. 5 Mar., 1730. Robert Watkins, M.A., Vicar of Kinlet, 1735--6.
[Richard Wilding, occurs 1741. Curate ?].
II Sept., 1781. Abraham Rudd, buried 4 Dec, 1794.
8 Mar., 1795. Job Walker Baugh, Chancellor of Bristol, and Preben-
dary of Hereford; died i September, 1838.
9 Nov., 1839. Thomas Underwood, M.A., Worcester College, Oxford ;
died 16 April, i860.
29 Sept., i860. Charles Edward Underwood, M.A., Balliol College,
Oxford ; Vicar of Madley, 1873 ; died 7 July, 1880.
II April, 1870. Philip Edgar Pratt, M.A., Exeter College, Oxford; Vicar of Madley, 1880.
9 April, 1881. Andrew Pope, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge; Vicar of Upton, 1890.
I April, 1 89 1. Sidney Scarlet Smith, M.A., Clare College, Cambridge; Vicar of Hentland, 1906.
16 May, 1907. Reginald Cotton Bolton, M.A., Selwyn College, Cam- bridge.
The Register was transcribed by Mr. G. W. S. Sparrow, who has also corrected the proof-sheets as they passed through the press. It is now printed with the kind permission of the Rev. R. C. Bolton, the present Vicar.
Albbiohton Hall, G. WILLIAM S. SPARROW.
Page 6, April 8, 1586. For " Bowdowyn " read " Bawdewyn."
Page 22, Aug. 15, 1596. For " Paramore " read " Parramore."
Page i()8, Apr. 21, 1706. For " Marbaret " read " Margaret."
Pago 139, Nov. I, 1729. For " Middlichope " reeid " ^Iiddlohope.'
Page 146, May 16, 1734. For " Hn " read " Hu."
Page 162, Nov. 2, 1740. For " Dape " read " Dale."
Pago 171, July 21, 1745. For " Williaf " read " William."
Page 186, Jan, 14, 1757. For " Martham " read " Martha."
Page 260, line 19. For " fo " read " of."
gttrblebitrn ^arisl^ |[tgislers.
Decembris, 1583. [. . .]us* Moricii Lewes baptizabatur xvth die mensis ut supa.
diet. Rycharde Knight & Margeret Jenkins wher wedded the xviith
die mensis ut supa., 1583. Anna Lanngford, vidua sepeliebatur xxth die mensis ut supa.,
1583- Lewes Turner & Elizabeth Watters wher married the xxiijth die
mensis ut supa., 1583.
Januarii, 1583. Maria filia Thome Jones baptizabatur quinto die mensis ut supa.,
1583- Johes filius Wm. Wellens baptizabatur septo. die mensis ut supa.,
1583- Johes filius of a Frenchman baptizabatur xixth die mensis ut
supa., 1583. Wm. Amaund et Margery Strete [ ?] wher maried xxith die mensis ut sup., 1583.
Februarii, 1583. Johes filius Edwardi morles septetiebatur primo die mensis ut
supa. Wm. filius Thome Daniell baptizabatur secundo die mensis ut
supa. Eodem die Jecosa filia Ricardi Edwarde.s sepeliebatur. 1583, Feb. 20. Willielmus, filius Thome Daniell ... sep. ,, Feb. 2 2'. James, the base sonne of Peter Fowler,
begotten of Jane Newton, was ... chr. ,, Feb. 23. Richardus, filius Randulphi Walker et
Anne uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
,, Mar. 5. Johanna, uxor Johannis Barbur .... sep.
,, Mar. 8. Margeria Typen, filia Willielmi et
Johane uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
* The top of the page is torn, and the Christian name lost,
Shropshire Parish Registers. [1583
1583, Mar. n. Mar. 20. Mar. 22.
eodem die
1584, Mar. 29 Apr. 5
Apr. 9
Apr. II
Apr. 12
Apr. 14
Apr. 24
Apr. 25
Apr. 26
May 2.
May 6.
May 8.
May 14.
May 29.
June |
7 |
June |
13 |
June |
16 |
July |
6 |
July |
10 |
July |
24 |
Aug. |
12 |
'Aug. |
14 |
Rycharde, s. of Philipe Kellye ... bap.
Margareta, filia Charoli Lutlei ... sep.
Johannes, filius Radulphi Hopton et
Jane uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Johannes, filius Johannis Stoke et
Margerete uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Philip, bastard s. of [ ?] Morgan ... bap. Elizabeth, filia Richardi Nycols et
Margerete uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Alis, d. of Thomas Pse et Margerye
his wiffe ... ... ... bur.
Elizabeth, filia Johannis Rogers ... bap.
Johane, d. of William Brian ... bap.
Johannes et Jecosa, filii Johannis Donne
& Joice his wifFe ... ... bap.
Predictus Johannes, filius Johannis
Donne ... ... ... sep.
Katherina, a pore woman ... ... !sep.
Johannes, filius Johannis Bowen et Janne
uxoris ejus ... ... ... bap.
Nuptie celebrata fuerunt intr :
Willielmum Reinols et Elizabetham
Smith ... ... ... nup.
Margereta, filia Frauncissi Childe et
Katerine uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Petrus Carlyle ... ... ... sep.
Margereta, filia Johannis Morgan et
Lowry uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Alice, d. of Thomas Stedman & Johane
Berde ... ... ... bur.
Thomas, filius Johannis Jurden ... bap. Johannes, filius Willielmi Wellens ... sep. Rycharde Fosbroke & Elizabeth Street mar. John, bastard son, of George Bayly ... sep. Jecosa, filia Johannis Donne ... sep.
Thomas, filius Edwardi Typen &
Johane uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Jecosa, filia Thome Keisell et Alicie uxoris ejus ... ... ... sep.
Elizabetha, uxor Thome Crowther ... sep.
Aug. |
21. |
Aug. |
24. |
Aug. |
30- |
Sep. |
17 |
Sep. |
18. |
Sep. |
29. |
Oct. |
3- |
1584] Diddlebury. 3
1584, Aug. 18. Elizabetha Haberlei uxor Mawritii
Haberlei ... ... ... sep.
Eadem die. Johanna, filia Johannis ap Thomas... sep. Aug. 20. Anna, filia Rychardi Lawnder et Alicie
uxoris ejus ... ... ... sep.
Thomas, filius Johannis Jurden ... sep. Willielmus, filius Thome Wynne et
Margerie uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Johannes, filius Thome Amaunde et
Elizabethe uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Willielmus, filius Thome Wynne et
Margerie uxoris ejus ... ... sep.
Sibilla, filia Thome Maris et Anne
uxoris ejus ... ... ... sep.
Griflfitt yonge John [sic'] & Anne Robert mar. Thcimas, filius Edwardi Typen et
Johanne uxoris ejus ... ... 'sep.
Oct. 10. Judith, filia Rogeri Fathers et Jecose
uxoris ejus ... ... ... bap.
Maria, uxor Johannis Ossester ... sep.
Edwardus, filius Georgii Stoking ... sep.
Johanna, filia Gulielmi Bristoll ... bap. Rycharde Churchyarde and Margeret
Bearde ... ... ... mar.
Willielmus Griflfiittes and Johane Childe mar. Alicia, filia Willielmi Englyshe et
Elizabethe uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Johanna, filia Willielmi Bristolle ... sep. Margereta, filia Johannis Launder et
Anne uxoris ejus ... ... sep.
Rycharde Heiney & Johane Mounslowe mar. Johannes, filius Richardi Churchyarde et
Margerete uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Jan. I. Margeria, filia [ ] Hensye, a
frenchman ... ... ... bap.
Jan. 19. Adam Dycke & Margeret Hopton ... mar.
Jan. 23. Stephanus, filius Roberti Hawkyns ... bap. Jan. 27. Johannes, filius Thome Perse et
Margerie uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Jan. 27. Margereta More, vidua ... ... sep.
Oct. |
28. |
Oct. |
28. |
Nov. |
I. |
Nov. |
2. |
Nov. |
3- |
Nov. |
8. |
Nov. |
17- |
Dec. |
6. |
Dec |
14. |
Dec |
?7. |
Shropshire Parish Registers, [1584
and Constance
Feb. |
4- |
Feb. |
15- |
Feb. |
21. |
Feb. |
27. |
Feb. |
28. |
Mar. 7.
Mar. 10.
Morles et
M in ton et
Mar. 17.
1584, Jan. 30. Thomas Amaund . ,, Eodem die. Edwarde Rea
Purshlow John Barton and Jane Watters Johannes Hickox ... Charolus, filius Thome Daniell et Jecosa
uxoris ejus Wilelmus, filius Wilelmi Normecot Francisca, filia Rychardi Higgins et
Elizabetha uxoris ejus ... Margeria, filia Edwardi
Elizabetha uxoris ejus Thomas, filius Willielmi
Katherine uxoris ejus Eodem die- Margereta Hawle, widow ... Mar. 13. Willielmus, filius Johannis Harris et
Margerie uxoris ejus Francisca, the bastard daughter of
Marget Stedman Eadem Francisca ... Johannes [ap Evan?], filius Richardi
Launder Anna, filia Radulphi Broke ...
1585, Mar. 28. Elizabeth, filia Thome Daniell Thomas Haris, de Midlehope Juliana, filia Richardi Fosbrook Willielmus Donne ... Rafe, the sonne of Rycharde Edwardes
& Margeret
Willielmus, filius Johannis Haris et
Margerie uxoris ejus Richardus, filius Nicolai Ludlaw et
Johanne uxoris ejus William Webster &: Katherin Fusbroke Johannes Yoppe & Elizabeth Hicox ... Johannes Ptrige et Elizabeth Dike Richard Sheldon & Johan Hawle Cornice, filius Ricardi Beiniames
Katherine uxoris ejus Griffit Teppen
Mar. |
19. ] |
Mar. |
19- '. |
Mar. |
24. . |
Mar. |
28. |
Mar. |
31- |
Apr. |
3- |
Apr. |
18. ' |
Apr. |
28. |
Eodem die. |
May 26.
June June June July July
15- 17- 22.
3- II.
mar. mar. sep.
bap. sep.
bap. sep.
bap. sep.
sep. bap. sep. sep. bap. sep.
bap. mar. mar. mar. mar.
bap. sep.
1585] Diddlebury. i
1585, Feb. 28. Robertus Stedman ... ... sep.
,, July 27. John Walle & Alis Gravener ... mar.
,, Aug. I. Rycharde Tonsende & Margeret Jones... mar. ,, Aug. 31. Thomas, filius Thome Amaunde et
Elizabeth uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
,, Eodem die. Margereta, filia Johannis Stedman et
Elizabethe uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
,, Sep. 3. Margereta, filia Willelmi ap David et
Joice uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
,, Sep. 18. Thomas, filius Rogeri Childe et
Margerete uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
,, Sep. 19. Rychardus, filius Johannis Jurden et
Margerete uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
,, Sep. 24. Katherina, filia Richardi Heiny et
Margerete uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
,, Sep. 27. Willielmus Teppen ... ... sep.
,, Sep. 29. Johanna, uxor Edwardi Teppen ... sep.
,, Octobris. Nichill [5/V].
,, Nov. 4. Franciscus, filius Francisci Grenways
et Katherine uxoris ejus ... ... sep.
,, Nov. 7. Praedicta Katherina ... ... sep.
,, Nov. 21. Maria, filia Richardi Launder et Alicie
uxoris ejus ... ... ... bap.
,, Nov. 27. Anne, filia Thome Lushcotte ... bap.
,, Nov. 30. Edwarde Baker & Alice Childe ... mar. ,, Dec. 9. Richardus Bawdewin de Dudleburie,
generosus ... ... .. sep.
,, Dec. 12. Anna Heines, filia Willielmi Heines,
meretrix ... ... ... sep.
Katherina, filia Thome Heyghway ... sep.
Johanne Coulton ... ... ... sep.
Alicia, filia Willielmi Reinols et
Elizabetha uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
John Haswall & Margery Stedman ... mar.
Thomas Cardington & Elizabeth Donne mar.
Alicia, filia Willielmi Reinols' ... sep.
Thomas, filius Rogeri Fathers ... bap. Johannes, filius Johannis Barton et
Janne uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Feb. 28. Idem Johannes ... ... ... sep.
Dec. |
31- |
Jan. |
7- |
Jan. |
12. |
Jan. |
24. |
Feb. |
6. |
Feb. |
II. |
Feb. |
12. |
Feb. |
27. |
Shropshire Parish Registers.
July |
26 |
Mar. |
3 |
Mar. |
10 |
Mar. |
13 |
Mar. |
15 |
Mar. |
16 |
Mar. |
25 |
Apr. |
2 |
Apr. 4,
Apr. 8, Apr. 13 Eodem
Apr. |
14 |
Apr. |
23 |
May |
II |
May |
15 |
May |
22 |
May |
23 |
June |
8 |
June |
12 |
June |
13 |
June |
15 |
June |
20 |
July |
2 |
July |
16 |
July |
20. |
Aug. |
2 |
Elnor, bastard d. of Johane Bearde...
Willielraus filius Lawrencii Scarlet
Thomas Poster ne ...
Willielmus Harys ...
Robertus, filius Johannis Foster
Anna, filia Francisci Childe et Katherine
uxoris ejus Syblye Normecot ... Jeoosa, filia Willielmi Maund et Margerie
uxoris ejus Willielmus, filius Johannis Haris et
Margerie uxoris ejus Charolus Bowdewyn Thomas, filius Moricii Lewes die. Thomas, s. of Anne Launder
was baptyzed, wch. Thomas she
saieth was begotten by Philipe
Maredyth Richardus, filius Johannis Stoke et
Margerete uxoris ejus Francisca, filia Johannis Bowen et
Janne uxoris ejus Elizabetha, filia Philipi Kellie et
Margeretae uxoris ejus ... Thomas, filius Morgan aprice Johannes, filius Willielmi Tippen et
Johannae uxoris ejus Richardus, filius Richardi Mathewes Katherina, filia Johannis Morgan et
Lowrye uxoris ejus Elizabetha, filia Radulphi Hopton et
Janne uxoris ejus Lowrye, the mother in law of John
Langf ord Katherina Childe ... Anna, uxor Richardi Mathewes Richardus Bossebury Johanna, uxor Edwardi Child Humfridus Gravener Thomas Launder ...
bur. sep. sep. sep. sep.
bap. sep.
bap. sep. bap.
bap. bap.
bap. bap.
bur. sep. sep. sep. sep. sep. sep.
Aug. |
23- |
Sep. |
14 |
Sep. |
19. |
Oct. |
5- |
Oct. |
8. |
1586] Diddlebury. 7
1586, Aug. 3. Willielmus Price et Katherine Vaughn, wher married the iijrd day of this moneth supa. scripte from Ernstry
Park ... ... ... mar.
Elizabetha, filia Philipi Kellye ... sep.
Johannes filius Richardi Heinye et
Johanne uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Idem Johannes ... ... ... sep.
Marie, filia Thome Posterne ... bap.
Richardus, filius Richardi Mathewes ... sep.
Eodem die. Anne, filia Johannis ap Thomas ... sep. Oct. 10. Richardus, filius Richardi Brecknock et
Jioyces uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Evan ap David & Marget Tayler ... mar.
Johannes, filius Johannis Astok et
Margeret uxoris ejus ... ... sep.
Margereta, filia Rychardi Nycols ... bap.
John Hopton & Johane Jurden ... mar.
Thomas Evans & Margaret Bowklei ... mar.
Elizabetha, uxor Thome Lutley ... sep.
William Hopkis & Elizabeth Cardington mar.
Thomas Berde & Elizabeth Strette ... mar.
Johanna, uxor Walteri Ossester ... sep.
Johanna, filia Johannis Stedman et
Elizabeth uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Dec. 17. Thomas, filius Richardi Churchyarde et
Margerete uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Johanna Loker, vidua ... ... sep.
Anna, uxor Johannis Launder ... sep.
Johannes Minton ... ... ... sep.
Thomas Lutlei, gent., & Anne
Posterne ... ... ... mar.
Elizabeth Daniell alias Trudge ... sep.
Thomas, bastard s. of Margret Strette bap. Anna, filia Richardi Sheldon et
Johanne uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Thomas, filius Thome Childe et
Katharine uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Thomas, filius Willielmi Englishe et
Elizabeth uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
Oct. |
13- |
Nov. |
I. |
Nov. |
6. |
Nov. |
9- |
Nov. |
20. |
Nov. |
22. |
Nov. |
23- |
Nov.. |
24. |
Nov. |
29. |
Dec. |
14. |
Dec. |
27- . |
Dec. |
31- |
Jan. |
6. |
Jan. |
9- |
Jan. |
11. |
Jan. |
21. |
Eodem die. |
Jan. |
22. |
Jan. |
23- |
8 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1586
1586, Eodem die. Anna, filia Evan ap David et
Margerete uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
,, Jan. 29. Clemense, filius Thome Donne et
Elizabeth uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
,, Jan. 30. Radulphus Jurden ... ... ... sep.
,, Feb. 4. Rycharde Mathewes et Margeret
Jefferes ... ... ... mar.
,, Feb. 21. Thomas, filius Richardi Churchyarde... sep. ,, Feb. 23. Willielmus, filius Rogeri Childe et
Margerete uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
,, Mar, 7. Johannes Smith ... ... ... sep.
,, Mar. 14. Richardus, filius Nicolai Ludnaw [«V]
et Johane uxoris ejus ... ... sep.
1587, Apr. 9. Edwardus, filius VVillielmi Bryan ... bap. ,, Apr. 28. Thomas Beiniams ... ... ... sep.
,, May II. Rogerus Haris ... ... ... sep.
,, May 25. Bridget, base daughter sp. Rowlandi
Hynkoxe, begotten of Johane Rodes bur.
,, June 27. Rondle Burges & Elizabeth Ba[mn?] mar.
,, June 27. Thomas Wiglei ... ... ... sep.
,, July 2. Alicia, uxor Anthoni Wever ... sep.
,, July 22. Margereta, filia Johannis Gardener et
Margerete uxoris ejus ... ... bap.
,, July 23. Janne Philipes ... ... ... sep.
»» J"^y 31- Maria, filia Thome Jones ... ... sep.
,, Aug. 7. Edwarde Bristoll & Margeret Stedman