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^>£r ^TOO. I^O.^"
Chess Magazine
William Borsodi
i 897-1 898
Entered at tbe New York Post Office as Second Class Mail Matter.
HARVARD Co. i:gsiicbaiW
BEO! .:/sroF
NOVEMBER 8, 1938
American Chess Magazine
GAMES— By Openings.
Alapin's Opening 311
Bishop* 8 Gambit 303
Bishop's Opening 305
Centre Gambit 304, 307
Centre-Counter Gambit 241, 363, 482, 484
Danish Opening 437
Dutch Defence 583
gutch Opening 44 50 U9 ^ ^
English Opening 374
Evans Gambit s.... 114, 243, 249, 487, 656
Evans Gambit Declined 244, 488
Falkbeer Gambit 119, 239
Palkbeer Counter Gambit 306
Four Knights Game 121, 240
French Defence.... 10, 117, 120, 177, 178, 180, 250, 302,
806, 306, 366, 370. 872, 438, 532, 679, 581, 682, 645,
646, 660, 654.
From's Gambit 439
GIuco Piano 54, 310, 372, 486, 534
Irregular Opening 118, 121, 247, 248, 533
King Bishop's Opening 123, 177, 238
Macdonnel Gambit 354
Petroff Defence 50, 51, 54, 206, 248, 481, 484
Philidor Defence 439
Pierce Gambit 49
P — Q. 4 Opening 353
Oueen's Gambit 246
Queen's Gambit Declined.... 40. 118. 179. 180. 181,
242. 311, 356, 3«4, 366, 368, 372, 432, 433, 435, 487,
576. 578. 584. 649. 652, 657. Queen's Pawn Opening 43, 116. 117, 209, 362, 436,
439, 578. 583, 648. 650. 667.
Rice's Gambit 637, 637, 638
Ruy Lone*.... 4. 17, 39. 41. 42. 52. 53, 56. 84. 116, 178,
181, 184. 186. 206, 243. 299. 300, 307. 308. 30R, 309,
309, 310. 312. 358, 359, 360, 361, 362. 369. 375, 431.
432, 465. 4*6, 481, 483, 485, 533, 536. 536, 580, 646,
651, 653. 655.
Rnv Looez — Double 185. 371
Rootrh Gambit 122, 2*S. 24*. 48s?
Sicilian DefAnce 114, 183. 240, 312. 434. 4*5 435
Staunton's Opening 41, 183, 245. 245
Ft tef nits'* OamMt.
Two Knight? Defence 3*5. 367. 5*1
Ooenine 4M
Van Knig's Opening 4M
Vienna Orx»nin* 303. 3P<$
Zuckertort's Opening 184. 234. 466
GAMES— By Players.
((White first named).
Alapin— Burn 366
—Marco 311
Albin— Lichting 310
Allies— Pillsbury 119
Atkins— Hymes 679
Balrd— Locock 581
Bampton— Delmar 178
— Voigt 84
Barry— Caro 578
Bird— Lee 248
Blackburne— Conn 30?
— Janowsky 367
Blackburne and Chapman — Janowsky and
Aloof 536
Blackburne— Marco 306
— Tchigorin 302
Brooklyn— Worcester 234
Burn— Marco 364
— Schiffers 311
— Showalter 678
Cassarlni— Judd 486
Chadwick and Elwell— Marshall and Zirn 248
Chapman and Blackburne — Janowsky and
Aloof 535
Charousek— Alapin 365
—Caro 361
Charousek and Marco— Fahnd rich and Halprln 356 Charousek and Fahndrich— Halprln and Mar- co 354. 356
Charousek and Fahndrich — Marco and
Schlechter 359
Charousek— SchifTer 312
— Suechting 299
—Tchigorin 368
City Chess Club— Newark Chess Club 183
Delmar— Koehler 439
— MoCutcheon i«o
De Vissef^-Bampton 238
De Visser and Richardson— Ettlinger and
Isaacson 123
Dobbell— Trenchard ll«
Elwell and Chadwick— Marshall and Zirn 24*
Enprllsch — Albin 300
Eschwesre. Miss— Watson, Miss 178
Escontria— Sterling 206
Ettlinger— Jasnogrodsky 438
Fagan. Signora— Thorold. Miss 177
Fahndrich and Marco— Charousek and Halprln 359 Fahndrich and Charousek — Marco and
Schlechter 356. 359
Fahndrich and Charousek— Halprln and Marco 354
Ferris— Volgt 373. 436
Finn. Miss— Lewis 4«6
Galbreath— Harding 656
Gunston — Jones 4*5
Gwyer— Walker 374! 375
Hanham — Rocamora 439
Helmes— Stone 243
Hilton— Colebatch 186
Hodges— Bellingham 5R0
— Kemeny 371
—Stuart 114
Hyde— Walden 657
Jackson — Saunders ?46
—Young 582
Janowski— Walbrodt 369, 432, 435, 443
—Winawer 290
— Roething ...^ 117,118
Johnson— Nedemann . | 180
Jones— Howell 533
—Ward !!!!... 487
Jones and Gunston— Bellingham and Wllmot.. 465
Judd— Cassarlni 4gK
-Steinitz * 62
—Kaiser 532
Kemeny— Amateur ." .'437
„ , -De Visser .. 240
Koehler— Balrd " ' 534
T-h— ♦ TJasu°erodsky WWW!!! 482
Labatt— Moore, Jr 94ft
Lasker— Walbrodt .'.WW..'". gg
L'Echiquier du Nord— Cercle Phi'li'd or .'.'.' .'.'..'.'.' 488
LIpschutz— Napier 243
—Orchard WW "638
Llssner— Lloyd ' * JoJ
Living Pieces (White and Black).'. WW. WWW 121
MaguTre— Bampton 51
— Young: . . 485
M«ron «2* ShKr°,u?eJf~S'^nndricn and Haiprln 356 Marco and Fahndrich— Charousek and Halprin 353
drich ^W^hter-^harousek and Fahn-
MCarrco-Conn ' W.W.W.W '.'" 358, 25
Marshall— Napier ." ..' JS
McConnell— Buck .' 12
— Steinitz .'.'.WW.'.'. siio
McCutcheon— Phillips H
McKlmon— Narraway 370
Metger, Schlffers and Teichmann-Charousek,'
Marco and Suchting ' ono
Metger-Tchigorln ....'. 30*
Mieses-Caro ?S
Mills-Delmar .' iff
Morgan— Huch ...". 2U
-Shipley WW 11J
-Stuart S
Mundelle— O'Farrell S
Murdoch— Meyer ..'." 40J
—Southard W...W.W. .' Sf
Napier— Marshall aJJ
— Selover. Jr .WW... fe7
-Steinitz •• S?2
Narraway— L'Hommede '.'!'.' SJ
—Saunders W.'. a£
Newman— Hodges JJ2
O' Barren— Walker V. J»r' mr
Owen-Shatt .. ' 2£
Pennsylvania— New York '.' V£
Phillips-Morgan «.
Pillsbury— Bampton .WW W . .' 241
— Blackburne W.W.W.W. 576
—Kemeny W 179
—Lasker ^J
-Marshall WWW'; 118," 652,' 654
— Showalter 40. 42 645 646 649 fifin
Relchhelm-Jasnogrodskl . . .'. ' ' ' M9' ??2 Rice— Hanham g^r* JJJ
Richardson and De VisserWEttlYnger'and Isaacson 193
Robinson— Jacobs WW W ." W Ksa
Rocamora— Delmar W.W.W.W.".'." 483
— Hanham .WW! 439
Roething-^Jasnogrodskl 117
—Koehler WW!" 54
Rome— Genoa 407
Rosenkranz— Tchigorih WWW m
Ryall— Helms ....! 245
§a{Jl£0,r aS? Tchigorin-Aiapin and' Schlffers. 249
Schiffers— Tschigorin 121 181
Schiffers, Metger and Telchmann-^Chafousek'
Marco and Suchtlng 309
Schlechter— Marco .WWW". 305
„ , —Tschigorin WW. 308 %2
dricht€T and Marc°-Cnarousek and'Fahn-
Schmidt-b'rchard' '.!".".' ".!!'.!!'.'. 358, ^
%*?*£?' ™?,sTDe ** V1^ne, Madame." .'!.'. WW .' 177 Shipley— Pillsbury 238
— Rhoades 404
Sho walter-^PiHsbury .... 39, 41,' «V 43," 646,' m, ' m,
Simonson— Morgan 10
Smyth— Phillips '. 244
Sournin— Marshall 247
Steinitz— Lipschutz 180, 242
—Napier 181
Sterling— Escontria 206
Strauss— Bodine
Stuart— Pillsbury 240
Siichting— Metger 310
Tschigorin— Janowski 308
—Marco $06
—Schiffers 120, 183
Tschigorin and Sabrouff— Alapln and Schiffers 24<*
Teed— Delmar 44
Teichmann— Alapln 303
Teichmann, Metger and Schiffers— Charousek,
Marco and Suchting 309
Trenchard— Galbreath 583
Voigt— Ferris 372
Walbrodt— Blackbu me 3ta
Winawer— Charousek 307
—Janowski 431, 432, 434, 4.TS
—Schlechter 309
— Slleehtlng 304
—Walbrodt 905
Worcester— Brooklyn 234
Yale— Harvard 17
Zinkl— Charousek 365
((Black first named).
Alapln— Charousek 365
—Teichmann 303
Alapln and Schiffers— Saburoff and Tschigorin 249
Albin— Englisch 300
Aloof and Janowski— Blackburne and Chap- man 535
Amateur— Kemeny 437
Balrd— Koehler 534
Bampton— De Visser 238
— Maguire 51
—Pillsbury 241
Belllngham and Wllmot— Gunston and Jones. . 4«5
Bellingham— Hodges 580
6Blackburne— PillPburv S76
—Walbrodt 363
Bodine — Strauss
Brooklyn— Worcester 234
Buck— McConnell 533
Burn— Alapin 366
Caro— Barry 578
—Charousek 361
— Mieses 122
Cassarini^Judd 485
Cercle Philidor— L'Echiq uier du Nord 13S
Charousek and Halprin— Marco and Fahndrich 353 Charousek and Halprin— Marco and Schlech- ter 360
Charousek, Marco and Suchting— Metger,
Schiffers and Teichmann... 309
Charousek— Winawer 307
—Zinkl 365
Cohn— Blackburne 302
Marco 307
Colebatch— Hilton 186
Delmar— Bampton 178
—Mills 5S1
—Rocamora 483
—Teed 44
De La Vigne, Madame— Sharpe, Miss 177
De Visser— Kemeny 240
Escontria— Sterling 206
Ettinger and Isaacson— Richardson and De
Visser i?3
Fahndrich and Halprin— Charousek and Marco 356 Fahndrich and Charousek— Marco and Schlech- ter 358, 360
Ferris— Voigt 372
Galbreath— Trenchard W 583
Genoa— Rome 4^7
Halprin and Fahndrich— Charousek and Marco 33s Halprin and Marco— Charousek and Fahndrich 354 Halprin and Charousek— Marco and Fahndrich 353
Hanham— Rice 637, 637
— Rocamora * 439
Harding— Galbreath '...." 65*
Harvard— Yale 17
Helms— Rvall 245
Hodges — Newman ..!..!......!!! 239
Howell — Jones WW".' .' 533
Huch— Morgan . . . 4S4
Hymes— Atkins .WW. 579
Isaacson and Ettlinger— Richardson" and be Visser 47a
Janowsky and Aloof— Blackburne and Chap- man H
Janowsky— Blackburne 3b7
— Tschigorin 308
— Walbrodt 431, 432, 434,435
JasnogTodsky— Ettlinger 438
— Koehler 482
— Reichhelm 116
—Roething 117
Judd— -Cassarini 486
Kaiser— Kemeny , 532
Kemeny— Hodges 371
— Plllsbury r<9
Koehler— Delmar 439
—Roething , 54
Lasker— Pillsbury 370
Lee— Bird 248
Lewis— Frlne, Miss 466
L'Hommede— Narraway 184
Lipschutz— Steinitz 180, 242
Locock— Balrd 581
Loyd— Lissner 184
Marco— Alapin 311
—Blackburne 306
—Burn 364
Lewis— Finn, Miss 466
Marco and Schlechter— Charousek and Fahn-
drieh 356, 359
Marco and Halprin— Charousek and Fahndrich 354
Marco— Schlechter 305
—Tschigorin 806
Marco, Charousek and Sttchtlng — MetgeT,
Schiffers and Teichmann 809
Marshall and Zirn— Elwell and Chadwick 248
Marshall— Napier 584
—Pillsbury 118
— Sournln 247
McCutcheon— Delmar 180
Metger— Siichting 310
Mej er— Murdoch «* 481
Moore, Jr.— Labatt 246
Morgan— Phillips 50
— Simonson 10
Napier— LipschUtz 243
—Marshall 436
—Steinitz 181
Narraway— McKinon 372
Newark Chess Club— City Chess Club 183
New York— Pennsylvania 185
O'Farrell— Mundelle 54
Orchard— LipschUtz 638
—Schmidt 49
Phillips— McCutcheon 53
—Smyth 244
Pillsbury— Allies 119
-Shipley 238
Showalter 39, 41, 41, 43, 646, 648, 650,
651, 653, 655
Rockmore— Hanham 439
Khoades— Shipley 484
Roething— Jasnogrodskl 117, 118
Siichting, Marco and Charousek — Metger,
Schiffers and Tiechmann 309
Saunders— Jackson 246
—Narraway ' 245
Schiffers— Burn 311
Charousek 312
Schiffers and Alapin— Saburo IT and Tschlgorin 249
Schiffers— Tschigorln 120 183
Schlechter— Wlnawer 309
Schlechter and Marco— Charousek and Fahnd- rich 356, 359
Selover-Napier 657
Shatt— Owen 466
Shipley— Morgan 119
Showalter— Pillsbury, 40, 42. 578, 645, 646, 650,
Southard— Murdoch 1 431
Steinitz— Judd 52
— McConnell . 7 * ".*.' ...".." 250
—Napier 312
Sterling— Escontrla 206
Stone— Helms 243
Stuart— Hodges 114
—Morgan ".] 50
Suchtmg— Albin 310
—Charousek 299
—Winawer 304
Tschlgorin— Blackburne 302
—Charousek 368
—Metger 303
— Rosenkranz 114
—Schiffers 121, 181
—Schlechter 308, 362
Thorold, Miss— Fagan, Signora 177
Trenchard— Dobbell ug
Uedemann^Johnson ...'. 480
Volgt— Bampton 84
—Ferris 373, 463
Walbrodt— Winawer 305
—Lasker 56
w ,„ —Janowsky 369, 432, 433. 435
W alden— Heyde 657
Walker— Gweyer 374, 376
— O'Farrel 536
Ward— Jones 487
Watson— Efichwege '.'...'...'..'.'. 178
Winawer— Janowsky 299
Worcester— Brooklyn (corresp. game) 234
Wilmot and Bellingham— Gunston and Jones.. 465 Zirn and Marshall— Chadwick and Elwell 248
(White first named.)
De Visser— Bampton 147
Delmar— Stuart ' ..' "l4G
Fietz— Mader 7.7777.77 376
Johnston — Hardy ' . 376
Held— Andrews ......'. 314
Hodges— Stuart ......... .7 139
Kaiser— Gibson .'. '. 314
Kemeny— Hanham .... 147
Labone— M. B. C. C 7.77777' m
McCutcheon— Gibson '314
McCutcheon— Hodges '. .7.7 146
Napier— Steinitz *. 150
Plowman— Jones * 5
Sutton— Dr. Grumble .'.".'.". 314
Shipley— Pillsbury \".\ ?J1
Shafroth— Parnell "m. 5
Vane— Mills .'. v?c
Wilson— Handy 7..77. 777777; 5
(Black first named.)
Andrews— Held «14
Bampton— De Visser V." ". 147
Grumble, Dr. Sutton '.'.' .'}"â– ofj
Gibson— McCutcheon nl
-Kaiser '.". £j
Handy— Wilson ili
Hodges— McCutcheon ". 14c
Hanham— Kemeny . {47
Hardy— Johnston ^
Jones— Plowman '.'.'.... '.'.'. ?
Lipscliuetz— Napier * 15JJ
?!•,?• CiC'-^abone '.'...7.7.7.' '.'.'.'.'.'. 376
Madc-r-Fietz ^
Miles— \ane 07/.
Parnell-Shaf roth .... . . :;.7;.7;"';"" 5
Pillsbury-Shipley 14£
Steinitz— Napier '. ..7..7.V.7'" 150
Stuart — Hodges .' ['[' 13$
—Delmar .'.'." ."!"."."!".' 146
Two Moves.
Balrd, Mrs. J. W
Cheney, G. N
Carpenter, George E 63,
Fitch, Charles L 190, 494,
Gilberg, Charles A
Gold, S 1271 128, 255, 379,
Gansser, A. H.127, 190. 379 380.
Graham, Dr. J. H 190,
Hoffmann, Emll 63, 128,
Joseph, S. M
Kerekes, Louis
Loyd, S 63,
Landmark, C. E 190, 318,
Ladd, I. H 255,
Lissner, M 190, 255,
Lemon, Courtney 542,
Laws. B. G
Meredith, W
Pradlgnat, E
Pulitzer, Walter, 63, 127, 255,
318, 542,
Rosenf eld L
Spencer, George B
Shinkman, W. A 63,
Teed, F. M 318, 494, 542, 589,
Thompson, R. G
Tracy, John F
Windle, Lee 38, 64,
WUrzburg, Otto 689,
White, Alain C, 64, 127, 265,
879, 445,
Three Moves.
Abranyi, Zoltan
Broholm, J. A
Baird. Mrs. W. J
Bennecke, H
Burnett, A. I
Cheney, G. N 643,
Carpenter, George E
Cass, Alvin C
Cook. Eugene B 519,
Dossenbach, Ad
Dal ton, Dr. W. R. I
Engberg, E. W 377,
Eichstaedt, H
Fitch, Charles L 188,
Finlayson, W
Gansser, A. H 126,
Grauer, Alex
Gold. Dr. S 188,
Hein, L
Hollway, F. A 493, 587,
Hoffman, Emil 62, 64,
Jentz. Dr. O. F 189, 378,
Kaiser. I
Kerekes, Louis 379, 587
Ladd, H. T 378
380 Loyd, S 125
643 L* Massena, C. E 541, 588, 661
64 Liberal!, G 188
589 Lilliestrale, C. B 493
128 Llndmark, C. E 188, 641, 588
494 Lissner & Gold
662 126, 128, 191, 379, 541
494 Lemon, Courtney 493
190 Meredith, W 253
494 Monrad, R 688
380 Nemo, M. Feigland
542 Noltenlus, Chas. E 660
542 Nicholson, Frank 62
662 Obermann, Jolis 317
318 Pulitzer, Wal ter 64, 493, 661
662 Peipers, Fritz 253
589* Pedersen, C 317
380 Robbins, A. H 62
318 Rosenfeld, L 189, 641
318 Tracy, John F 669
Shinkman, W. A... 62, 378, 688, 661
649 Sorko, Dr. F 264
255 Steiner, Lieut. S 253
580 Vetesnek, L
127 Wltherle, C. B 661
6G2 Wheeler, C. H 189, 253
380 WUrtzberg, Otto., 62, 126, 128,
568 189, 263, 878, 493, 541, 688
494 White, Alain C 64,188,378, 687
662 Windle, Lee 879, 493
662 Four Moves.
Burnett, A. 1 262
Bayer, Conrad 191
Cheney, G. N 644
254 Carpenter, Geo. E 491, 640
688 Cook, Eugene 519
317 Dufty, P. T 316
128 Gold, Dr. S 125, 262
126 Gilberg, Chas. A 124
644 Hollway, F. A 640
587 Herlin, Theodor 191
317 Jesperson, Rev. 1 586
120 Keel, Joseph 660
253 Llndmark, C. E 377
188 L'Hermet, R 316
587 Meredith, W 191
254 Noltenius, Chas. E 491
661 Popisel, J 660
317 Peipers, Fritz 377
587 Robbins, A. H 61
126 Shinkman, W. A
254 61. 124, 125, 191, 492
378 Spencer, Geo. B 660
661 Steiner, Lieut. S 540
191 Von Duben 315
541 White, Alain C 540
189 Wttrtzberg, Otto 492
Five Moves.
Cook, Eugene 619
Gardner, John 315
Howard, K. S 660
Smith .- 316
Shinkman, W .A 61, 491
Six Moves.
Cook, Eugene 619
Noltenius, Chas. E 689
Challenge Problems.
Carpenter, George E 659
Shinkman & Hollway 539
Shinkman, W. A 686
Sui-M&te Problems.
Bowsan, A. J 586
Blake, B. F.. 316
Cook, E. B 252, 377
Engberg. E. W 316
Fitch, Charles L 126, 492, 540
Hume, G aie
.Lemon, Courtney 659
Llndmark 316, 492
Lissner, M 187, 262. 377, 491
Ornes, F 315
Richardson. Phil % 61
Shinkman, W. A., 252. 442, 492,
639, 540
Thompson, W. H 650
Tracy, John F 569
WUrzberg, Otto 187
White 126, 252, 492
Miscellaneous Problems.
All for a move, Relchhelm 445
Captain Cook's Voyages,
Reichhelm 444
Cook, Eugene 519
Cheney, G. N ;. 644
Carpenter, George E 4-11
Fitch, Charles L 443
Hollway, F. A 443
Loyd, Sam 444
Queen's Tour, Loyd 444
Reichhelm, G...". 444
Rook's Tours, Loyd 444
Robbins, A. H 443
Shinkman, W. A 442
White. Alain C 445
WUrtzberg. Otto 443
Chess in Arizona 414
" Brazil 624
•• Canada 22,104,624,473,633
" Cleveland 621
" Colorado 556
" Chicago 157,415
" Mexico 206
" Milwaukee 133
" " Omaha 93
" Philadelphia 84,617
" Rochester 635
" Texas 620
English University Chess 1 . 623
International University Chess 568
Chess by Telegraph 131
" Telephone 616
" " Long Distance Telephone 638
" Sans Voir, at Worcester 92
Competitions 94, 167
Brooklyn Chess League 333,640
Georgia State Ch. A 635
Minnesota State Ch. A 215, 515, 566
Nebraska State Ch. A 635
New Jersey State Ch. A 464, 515
New York State Ch. A 99. 224, 463, 514, 609
Pillsbury National Correspondence Ch. A 89
Pennsylvania State Ch. A 614
At the clubs.... 19, 67, 109, 172, 291. 845, 426, 475, 528,
574. 626, 634.
Brooklyn Chess Club 19, 271
City Chess Club 96
Cosmopolitan Chess Club 20
Lfuengenes Chess Club 87
London, Chess Club, City of 623
Metropolitan Chess Club 20
OriUla Chess Club 22
Powhattan Chess Club 20
Staten Island Chess dub 144
Tacoma Chess Club 19
TJrbana Chess Club 21
Washington (D. C.) Chess Club 19
Woman's Chess Club, of New York 14
.Illustrations 21, 81, 112, 203
Chat from Murray Isle (Illustrated), by the Junior
Professor 153
Invention of an Expelled Club Member (111).. She Knew His Mental Calibre (111) 106
A Blindfold Chess Match 34
A Chess Match at the Court of Spain 102
A Game 26
A Game She Plays 78
An American Chess Congress— Administration.
Bid*., Omaha 614
Anglo-American Chess Challenge Trophy 522
An Unexpected Coup 79
A Queen of Chess 28, 29
At the Franklin Club 11
British Team of the Cable Chess Match, 1898. . 551
Chess in Summer 81
Cup Tournament 149
Early Chess Literature.... 201, 202, 262, 263, 324, 325, 326, 327, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 458, 469, 460. 461, 462. First International Ladies' Chess Congress, Lon- don, 1887 72
Group of Former Prominent Chess Players of
Philadelphia 600
Group of Players of the Inter-State Teams — 148
at Murray Isle 130
4 at the Cup Tournament, 1897. 151
" " " Intercollegiate Chess Teams Standing (commencing at left of picture). Jacobus, Southard, Dana, Murdock; Seat- ed (in the same order), Meyer, Hewins,
X Oullg. vsOOJ£ • • • ♦ • • ••• •••■••••••••••••••• • • • 4u£
A^C/VC SLllQ ^sXlQSS* •••••••••••••••♦••••••■••••••}••••• WE*
Manhattan Chess Club, the History of the — 498,
501, 503, 507, 509. Midsummer Meeting of the N. Y. State Chess
Association. 1898 609, 610, 611, 612, 613
Murray Isle 6, 99, 101, 153
Officers of the Brooklyn Chess Club 270
Presidents of the Manhattan Chess Club 498
Players in the Annual Championship Tournament
of Western Canada 671
Philadelphia Athenaeum 600
Reproduction of the Will of Count Emergardus,
992 A. D 324
Reproduction of the Engrossed Score Card of the match between Franklin and Manhattan
Chess Clubs 12, 230
Snap Shots from Thousand Islands 208
Steinitz at the Cosmopolitan 91
The Bishop of Noland 113
The Bryn-Mawr Chess Trophy 622
The Chess Board 159
The Match Between Plllsbury and Showalter. 35
The Staten Island Club 144
The Siaats-Zeitung Cup 98
The Winners of the Berlin International Tourna- ment 259
The .Winners of the Staats-Zeitung Cup 100
Third Annual Team Match Between the Manhat- tan, and Franklin Chess Clubs 10
United States Team, Cable Chess Match, 1898. 548
Absorption in Chess 412
A Crafty Bishop Story— Ch. Fitch 82
A Class for Chess Study 468
A Ladies' Chess Club 7.77 284
American Chess Code 73
American Chess Journal * 280
An American Chess Congress 614
An Exploded Myth 92
An Historic Chess Club .77777 338
As a German Views It .7 282
A Proposed Defence to the Ruy Lopez. 7.7.".". 156
A Queen of Chess (Story) v vt
A Scientific Hint for Woman Players...;.!"" 196
A Study Lpon the French Defence ' 4ZQ
A Teacher on Che*s 41S
iUS^'Ifh^co2^^.343- «•" ™- "*'•»■■«
Chess and Hypnotism .77 ££
"■« £?feRena8cence .'.■::::::::::::::: «
'• •■MathematYcs"":;:;;;: 15
Chess 5^C4°7^Pondence, 47, 103, m/'isV/ 296,* 351?
" Data ..'....'.....'..... 1cn
" Libraries 77. IS
" Nomenclature '...777. %Ta
Playing Commuters 7.7.7 iso
Players' Towns IS
with Living Pieces.
Continental Novelties ££
Criticism of Problems £f4
wf&ar .L.'.tf.ra!; '•■'»:*£«; m 457
Echoes of the Cable Match... '.'.'.'.".' ' ' S67, S? Egyptian Inscriptions ." £2,
Kiâ„¢tiS?i rife/mzrs
From Over^Sea^. :. • * i* iae/ a* i* 34,7 $
Game with Living Pieces 414
Greater New York Championship. .'. '.'... 7 .77" 102
Her Problem (Walter Pulitzer)... 393
Hints to Beginners ^6
Hints to Solvers Editorials .77 :* 78
How Lydia Got Married .'.. 212
How Some of the Ladies Played Chess. 77. 7. 287
How to Organize a Chess Club 158
Influence of Luck in Chess Tournaments'.... 158
In Memory of Chas. A. Gilberg 522
International University Chess 525
Intermittent Repulsion to Chess '" 448
Jacob Billikopf 335
Jasnogrodsky in Canada .77. .."7 632
Jottings 9> 30, 93> m/yjo 233
Key to the Ladies' Group of Portraits .269
Leaders of European Chess 619
Lincoln as a Chess Player 93
Literature... 15, 107, 220, 281, 344,' 4727 526, 630
Midsummer Meeting 145
Middle Game Study ..'.7.7.77' 233
Miscellaneous ' '. 25ft
Morphy's Death 7.77.7" . 631
Mr. Pillsbury's Great Performances. ........ . . . 86
Mr. Steinitz at the Cosmopolitan 91
Music 4•Caissa,, Waltz, W. Pulitzer 276
New Journalism and Chess 78
Notes on the Openings 251, 618
Notes.............. 224, 524, 591, 607,634
Analytical 200
Oriental Women Chess Players 203
Paul Morphy ' " 13
Personal 269. 331, 392, 455*, 513
Positions and Endings from Actual Play 490
538, 585, 658.
Prize Winners of the Brooklyn Chess Club 272
Problem Notes 384, 448, 496
Pureness of Mate and Economy of Material in
Chess Problems 383
Robinson Variation of French Defence 225
Room for a Great Chess Magazine 632
Showalter at Yale 416
Solutions 187, 319, 381, 445. 495, 525. 590, 663
S. Tinsley on Problem Building 468
Street Car Chess 237
The American Chess Code 176,418
The Art of Solving 132
The Bryn Mawn Chess Trophy 622
The Canadian Champion 171
The Cassel Chess Code 605
The Depth of Chess 412
The Devil and tne Chess— John Goodwin 217
The Evans Gambit Declined— J. W. Showalter. 251
The Gantlet 223
The Greatest Age of Chess 413
The History of the Manhattan Chess Club. 499, 560
The Ladies' Chess Tournament 83
The Last of the Stelnitz Gambit 174
The Match of the Parliaments 1
The Nativity Clause 195
The Possible Dangers of Chess 411
The Professor's Spectacles (Story) 408
The Puzzled Player 288
The Reichhelm Cable Notation 340
The Revival of an Old Defence to the Ruy Lopez,
Suggested by Tarrasch 56
The Rice Gambit 637
The Shipley-Macfarlane Middle Game 331
The Stelnitz Testimonial 165, 196, 265
The Theory of End Play. 24, 88, 169, 228, 278, 346, 419
The Two Shortest Newspaper Notices on the
August Number of the American Chess
Magazine 208
The Quick and the Dead 140
Tourney Scores.... 192, 256, 320, 382, 447, 496, 592, 664
Twenty Years of Chess 615
Woman's Whist Congress 8
Y. M. C. A. Notes 9
Y. M. H. A. Notes 60
Geoige J. Gould 48
Thomas B. Reed 97
Gi neral Joseph Wheeler 166
William Seward Webb 219
Rossiter Worthlngton Raymond 279
Paul Dana 336
Francis Marion Crawford 417
John W. Griggs 467
John Townsend Trowbridge 521
Will Carleton 567
A Chess? Contest— Prof. Charles Jacobus 287
A Chess Tragedy lfr»
A Game 26
A Game She Plavs 78
All You Lovers Be 399
An Acrostic 32
An Ancient Chess King— Jean Ingelow 157
Chess Bores 607
Chess in Summer— Mortimer Collins 81
Chess Poem— 1638, by Nicholas Breton 211
Chess Similes— Phania 520
Frithiof at Chess— Esaias Tegner 267
Lay. of the Solver— W. Pulitzer 32
Love and Chess— W. Pulitzer \J39
O, Don't You Remember 208
The Queen's Jewels— Chas. Love Benjamin 411
Reminiscences of the Midsummer Meeting of the
New York State Chess Association— Wm.
Duval 275
The Bishops of Noland 113
The Castle on the Board— George Schreyer.... 207
The Chess Board-Owen Meredith 159
Three Problems— Mrs. W. J. Baird 440
Berlin International Tournament, The 259
Berlin Tournament, From the 361
British Chess Magazine, Problem Tourney. 639 Brooklyn and British Chess Clubs, Match Be- tween 85
Brooklyn vs. Manhattan 639
Cable Match, The 548
Cable Match with England, The 204
Cable Chess Match, The 516
Canadian Championship Tournament, The 161
Canadian Tournament, The 633
Canada, The Second Annual Championship Chess
Tournament of Western 570
Continental Tournament, The 231
Continental Correspondence Tournament 233
Continuous Tournament, The 280
Cup Tournament, The 149
District of Columbia, The Match for the Cham- pionship of the 160
Hartford— Fairfield County 21
Intercollegiate Tournament, The 453. 389
Inter-Parliamentary Chess Contest (House of Representatives, U. S., vs. British House
of Commons, 1897) 2
Junior Chess Match 523
Ladies' Chess Tournament 77
Llandudno Tournament, The 465
Manhattan and Franklin Chess Clubs, Third An- nual Team Match Between 10
New York Sun Tournament 537
Pillsbury-Showalter Match, the 523, 636
Plllsbury and Showalter, The Match Between. 35
"Sun*' Correspondence Tournament 622
Syracuse Tournament 523
Telephone Match, The 286
Utica vs. Syracuse 468
Vienna Tournament, The 601, 572
Worcester — Springfield 21
Alapin, S 259
Allen, Prof. George 600
Atkins, H. E 551
Bachia 194
Baird, D. G 546, 601
Bampton, S. W 74, 194
Bardorf 194
Barry, J. F 546
Barth, C. A 16
Bellington, G. E. H 551
Beramjl, R 79. 5*J3
Best, Lyman A 332
Bigelow, Wesley 79. 49S
Bilgraim. 0 194
Billikopf. Jacob 335
Bodine, Robert 3
Borsodi, William 149
Blackburn, J. H 259, 551
Blakey, J. H 270
Blanchard, 0 194
Brown 194
Bruce, A. W 571
Burn, Amos 259, 551
Buryne, Rev. F. X 194
Carleton, Will 567
Caro, H 551
Carpenter, G. E 141
Cassel, Hartwig 621
Caswell, E. A 16, 388
Chadwick, S. H 270, 554
Charousek, R 259
Clay, W. H 332
Cleveland 194
Cochran, W. C 194
Colton, Dr 194
Cook, L. A 452
Cragg, S. H 270
Crawford, F. M 417
Dafoe, William 161
Dahl, E. W 563
Dana, D. T 452
Dana, Paul 336
Davidson, H 600
De Arman, J. W 194
Deen, J. R 141
pelmar, Eugene 100, 546
De Soyres, Rev. J 194
De Visser, W. M 123
Dllthy, C. H 332
Dixon lt>4
Docharty 563
Drescher. Otto 265
Duval, William 273
Elwell, J. D 151
Ettllnger, A. K 123
Faber 194
Ferguson, R. W 563
Ferris. W. J 194
Frankel, M 563
Freeland. Prof. William 388
Frere, Thomas 511
Griggs, John W 467
Galbreath, J. A 525, 546
Gibson. W. W 194
Gllberg, Charles A 32, 469, 498
Gluck 194
Goldstein, S 161
Gould, George J 48
Green, G. T 498
Greenway, N. H 571
Hagen, W. H 27a, 553
Hale, A 194
Hale, J. S 194
Handy, L. 1 3
Hanham, J. M 100
Hathaway. C. H 194
Hay, John 3
Hazletine, M. J 16
Heaton, J. H 143
Hellwltz, L.. H 194
Helms, C 194
Helms, H 194
Hervey, D. E 74
Hease. 0 194
Hewins, James 452
Hicks 194
Higgins, A. F 194
Hodges, A. B 16, 100, 546
Hoffer, L. 549
Hoffmann, E 74
Honegger, O. P 141
Huch, C. F 194
Hymes, E 194,265, 546
Isaacson, C. B 123
Jackson, E. M 551
Jacobs, H 651
Jacobus, G. R 452
Janowskl, D 250
Jellett 194
Jones, G. W 270
Judd, W. H 161
Julius, John 571
Kaiser, J. A 194
Karpinski, L. C 194, 151
Kemeny, Emil 100
Kennard, W. D 194
Kneeland, Gen. S. F 332
Lansins 194
Lasker, E 549
Lewis, Dr. 8 194, 600
Lipschutz, 8 100, 149
Lissnei* 194
L'Hommede, G. H 194
Locock, C. D 561
Lowe, Major W. R 194
Lowltz, W. W 102
Loyd, 8 74
Luengene, G. F 87
Lutton 194
Macfarlane, C. W 194
Maguire, E. 8 141, 194
Marco, G 269
Mareau, J. T 270
Mayer 194
McCutcheon, J. L 194
McGrath, M. D 194
McNair, Chas. A 141
Meissiter, R. P 270
Meyer, Arthur J 452
Meyer 149
Mills, D. Y 651
Montgomery, H. P 600
Morgan, M 74, 194
Morphy, Paul 1
Morris, 8. D Ull
Morse, W. F 563